Côtes du Rhône
The Rhône River is one of the most important “rivers of wine” in the world. From its birth in the Swiss Alps to its delta in the Mediterranean Sea, this great river is bordering several very diverse wine regions, such as the Swiss Valais, famous for its Fendant du Valais; French Savóia, which produces sparkling wines in Seyssel; and, much further south, Châteauneuf-du-Pape, notable for its powerful and full-bodied reds.
However, when we speak of The Rhône Valley (Vallée du Rhône) or Slopes of the Rhône (Côtes du Rhône) referring to its most famous French part, which starts north in Vienne, and ends to the south, near Avignon.
All indications are that it was the Romans who introduced viticulture into the region around the 1st century A.C. In his Natural History (year 71 d.C.), the famous Roman writer Pliny already refers and even praises the wines produced near Vienne. Today, the Rhône Valley is the second largest wine-producing vineyard in France, second only to Bordeaux. Region of great contrasts, it is custohered to divide the Valley into two parts that have climates, soils, terroirs, and varieties of diverse grapes: the Northern Rhône Valley and the Southern Rhône Valley